I think I saw a shooting star last night, like for real! Awesome.
Tonight is Halloween!!! Previously, I disliked Halloween immensely, mostly because the past 5 or 6 Halloweens have been total busts. I remember in Sophomore year dressing up like a very modest Playboy bunny, going to this party with some older high schoolers and feeling more uncomfortable than I ever have in my whole life. We didn't even do anything! Then they boys whipped out their XBOXes and I'm like, "I'm outta here!". BORING. STUPID. And then I honestly cannot remember doing anything for Halloween after that. I think Junior year, the year I had no friends, I put on my mom's wedding dress and handed out candy to the neighbor kids. Hooray... Last year I was in California I believe... I have no idea what I did... OH YEAH! I dressed up as a pirate and helped at the church fall festival thing. I actually just figured that out as I typed, no joke.
THIS YEAR THOUGH.... I am going with Julie and Jenna to a Rocky Horror Picture Show party! Yay!!! I don't really have stuff to be a character from RHPS but I just threw a bunch of randomness together and I'll do my makeup all crazy, etc. It shall be awesome. Oh yes. Then later I think we're going back to Jenna's for some more crazy. Oh yes. Good times.
Alright, I need to get some stuff done before my Halloween greatness commences. I'll let you know how it goes!
3 weeks ago
let's get crazy!!! i'm so excited!!!
yay for crazy halloween. i handed out candy at lexington place (where ron & becky live) as wonder woman again. we got more "you guys are so awesome" comments and people loved my costume... creepy old dude liked it too much. yeah. awkward. i didn't let him get close. i was standing next to The Thing at the time, so i figured i was somewhat safe... batman and the flash weren't too far away either :)
hope rhps was fantastic. :)
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