I am really excited to go eat turkey, cranberry sauce, olives, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potato casserole, corn, etc. Thanksgiving is goot. Very goot. Funny thing is that I actually enjoy Christmas dinner more because in my family it is very similar to Thanksgiving but with my grandma's meatballs. That is the best dang part. Anyway, T-Day is still outstanding. Very excited.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Tell me all about it!
mmmmmmm turkey day was awesome.
woke up late. made sweet potatoes, kinda like grandma's but minus the pecans (cuz they're expensive here) and the marshmallows (cuz we didn't have any). they were still good. went to supper at 2 at the woodwards. played with the kids. hung out. ate. hung out. went on a walk with lucas and the boys and the puppy. ugh. played on the playground with the boys. walked back to the W house. boys got tired and cranky. played pictionary man (new game) and had dessert. watched some bond. went home. rested for shopping at the before crack of dawn. (left at 330am from my house) got a free mp3 player from old navy though :)
yeah it was good times. :)
haha oh wow! that really does sound awesome! can't say mine was quite as exciting as yours but it was still a good time.
i really really can't wait for christmas when we get to hang out and play games and eat similar food TOGETHER! haha yay!!
yay! me too. :)
i'm looking forward to teaching y'all cabbage ball :)
and i'm looking forward to staying up late and chatting until the wee hours of the morning :)
HEY... jason is selling me his wii for $150. i'm stoked. :) can't wait!!!!! wooohooooooooooo
miss ya. lots. like, LOTS.
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