Today I read an article called "7 Abandoned Cities and Places in Asia" and there are several that I would give my big toe to go see... maybe not literally (though, one has land mines surrounding it so I'm sure that option is quite possible... Eek), but I would LOVE to go nonetheless.
Check out the article. I'm sure there are plenty of places like this all over the world and I would love to see them all. Maybe that should become a hobby of mine one day. I particularly like the ones that you can just walk around without some annoying tour guide making the place feel more like a museum and less like a piece of my imagination. You know what I mean?
Anyway, I started looking on that site with the Asian abandoned places deal and found a ton more! I shall post pictures to spruce this post up a bit:





If you know of any other awesome abandoned places in AZ, know where that amusement park is (because I couldn't tell you where it was if my life depended on it), or have anything else to say do so, please! I enjoy sharing common interests with folks :)