Last night my cousin Liz and I spent the better part of an hour looking through one of my coffee table books called "World Art". I was curious to see what kind of art she was interested in and by the end of our exploration we discovered that she loves landscapes. Who knew? Anyway, while looking through it I made a disovery of my own: Dorothea Tanning. She was listed in the Modern Art section and her name sounds familiar to me, although her work is brand new to my eyes. I googled her and have thus found one of my new favorite artists. Take a look at some of my favorites:

and my all-time favorite of hers:

I really love how whimsical and yet dark everything is. I also love the use of branches, mermaid tails, fabric, etc. to create a flowing feeling... if you know what I mean. Sorry, I'm not familiar with all the artsy terms yet!
I've also discovered that I really love Salvador Dali. Yes, everyone and their mother has heard of him but his work truly is brilliant:
This one takes my breath away:

I apparently really love his representations of animals because those seem to be my favorites:
Another artist, Rene Margritte, I've apparently liked for awhile but didn't know it:
I've had this picture framed in my room for awhile now and never knew who the artist was!

This one is pretty famous:

And lastly, Leonora Carrington:
This may be one of the most bad-ace paintings I've seen in awhile:

She basically rocks.Google them all if you want to see more. Tell me what you think!