Hi! It has been an embarrassingly long time since I have posted anything substantial on here. I apologize for my pure laziness. However, I now have a lot of free time on my hands and have had a couple of little creative ideas floating around my noggin. I think I would like to start either a new blog about being a fashionable nerd or a vlog where I rant about silly things. Or perhaps both! Probably both... I think my main concern is getting the word out so that people will actually read/watch them. I know I could get my friends and family on board (you guys are all awesome like that) but I think it would be FANTASTIC if strangers could enjoy me and my ramblings! I would like to become part of a community of people who love the things that I do as MUCH as I do. That is one of the main reasons that I love going to Phoenix Comicon. I adore being around literally hundreds and hundreds of like-minded people.
OK so here is some inspiration for my blog...

Disney Bound is probably my favorite Tumblr. (Other than the ones solely dedicated to pictures of David Tennant...) She puts together outfits inspired by Disney characters, places, parks, movies, etc. I would LOVE going shopping with this girl. Great inspiration for fashion period but also a good example of themed-fashion. At least, that's what I call it. I see it as getting as close to wearing a costume as possible without looking like it's Halloween. So much win.

To be honest, this picture is not representative of this website at all which is unfortunate because this is what I was expecting when I found Fashionably Geek. Really, they post nerdy shirts, cufflinks, hats, shoes, etc. Stuff that you can find on a number of other websites or even your local Hot Topic. I still check it every once in awhile for gems like the above picture but it doesn't come often enough. This is where I would like to come in...
I would like to design, put together, and showcase more fashion like
Hanie Mohd my absolute favorite geek fashion artist. Since I am not much of an artist myself, I would probably do most of my original designs with
Polyvore or Photoshop. It would look more like Disney Bound but not focused on one theme but many nerd/geek/scifi/fantasy/etc subjects.
As for my vlog...
MeekaKitty is the #1 inspiration for my vlog. Although I do not follow her videos much anymore, the first couple that I watched inspired me so much. I love how ADD, hyperactive, and random she is. Reminded me a lot of someone else I know! I love talking, especially and almost exclusively when it is about something I am crazy for. If I am passionate about something I do not shut up about it. People get sick of it, trust me. But maybe if I have an outlet and some video editing software, I could organize my rants a little better and make them entertaining for other people! It would almost be a video journal but probably not as deep and personal as the word implies.
So... Input? Ideas? Yes? No? NEED INPUT! (aka opinions appreciated!)
I accidentally stumbled onto your blog and was impressed with its artistry and thoughful considerations.
Well anyway it's been fun watching you grow and move from interest to interest.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you get back to blogging.
Oops! I left out that it was years ago when I found your blog.
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